Gluten Free Baking

Since being diagnosed with celiac disease I have pretty much stopped baking. There is a reason for this, Gluten free baked goods tend to be described with the following adjectives: bland, dense, hard, flavorless, cardboardesque, and a few four lettered words my Mother would be upset if I used.

The other thing about gluten free baked goods or breads is that they are so full of sugar, that my nutritionist told me I could either have a slice of gluten free bread or a chocolate bar. The sugar levels were pretty much the same. Gah!

If it comes to bread or chocolate, I am going to always pick chocolate over a piece of cardboard toast.

As such, I tend to avoid most gluten free substitutes, especially ones I bake at home. I would just rather spend my calories and sugar on more delicious things that happen to be gluten free, rather than trying to replace my beloved wheat based products from pre-diagnosis. (Face it, you just cannot replace a fresh baguette or a croissant. Heck, you cant even replace a Tim Hortons bagel with cream cheese.) So instead of trying to replace, my gluten free diet tends to be delicious things that happen to be gluten free. For instance, for dessert I will have cheese with fruit compotes, nuts and seeds and a glass of port. Not exactly cake, but it’s damn good.

However there are some holidays where nostalgia has me wishing for baked goods of my past. Like Thanksgiving, and my old friend pumpkin pie. Nothing replaces pumpkin pie.

This weekend was Thanksgiving here in Canada, and we spent it up at the cottage. My Mom was in charge of desserts, and she showed up with two products I haven’t tried before. Pillsbury gluten free pie dough, and gluten free chocolate chip cookie dough (also Pillsbury). Both were premade in a container (not frozen). Truthfully I was pretty suspect of the products. I’m not a fan of processed foods, and I don’t really want to consume a weeks worth of sugar in one cookie. However, it was Thanksgiving and that is a time for indulgence if I’ve ever seen one AND frankly this girl would kill for a pumpkin pie.

Mom got to making the pumpkin pie filling while I rolled out the pie dough. Instead of rolling it out on a surface with flour, the directions asked you to roll it between parchment paper. As we were at the cottage and without fancy baking accoutrements, we used cling film instead. It worked perfectly fine, and the dough rolled out beautifully. It did crack a bit when we tried to put it in the pie plate, but we were able to smooth it back together.

Using nature for decorative inspiration. Tracing a maple leaf to decorate the gluten free pumpkin pie.
Using nature for decorative inspiration. Tracing a maple leaf to decorate the gluten free pumpkin pie.

Once in the oven, even with the crust covered it did get a bit brown (all that sugar I’m thinking) but it came out looking quite normal! Not like the usual thick and dry GF pastry, but actual buttery flaky pastry. If I didn’t know it was gluten free, I might not believe it when looking at it.

Gluten Free Pumpkin Pie
Now for the taste test (where most gluten free things show their true colors). Drumroll please…

Gluten Free Pumpkin Pie
It tasted just as good as it looked! BUT it was very sweet. I’m talkin sugar cookie sweet. I would probably reduce the amount of sugar in the filling to make the whole pie less sweet. However it tasted GOOD. Like really good. The pastry was yummy on its own, and would make a good tart or popover. I think it would be especially good with a savory filling (as it might counter the sweetness of the dough.) Very impressed.

As the oven was still warm from the pie, we opted to try the cookie dough next. It was a bit hard to get out of the container right out of the fridge, and fell apart and crumbled. I let it warm up a bit, and then spooned it onto the baking tray in quinelle shape using a tablespoon (it was easier than trying to make balls). The container made 13 medium sized cookies. I followed the baking instructions to a tee and took them out at the short end of the baking time (I like a soft cookie.)

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie
They came out of the oven looking like regular cookies (again a huge feat for gluten free baked goods), and they tasted great. Like the pie dough they were a bit too sweet for my liking. Eating more than one is hard without a big glass of milk. Certainly a treat.

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie
Overall I don’t know if this is a product that I will keep in my house (although having some frozen could come in handy) but I would pick it up if I needed a quick dessert. I would absolutely recommend this for people who are entertaining a gluten free person. It’s so easy to make and you don’t need to have the expensive array of gluten free baking supplies in the house. It would also be really great for kids. There was a lot of “OMG I can’t believe this is gluten free?!”.

I’m pretty impressed that a big company would go to this length to provide a good tasting gluten free baked good option for the masses. I cant imagine how hard it is for kids who have Celiac, and having products like this will make them feel like they are not missing out, and that they get to eat “normal” food. I also can’t imagine how hard it is for parents to deal with the plethora of allergies children have these days. Birthday parties and bake sales must be incredibly hard. Hopefully products like this make things a heck of a lot easier.

P.S. Pillsbury also makes a gluten free pizza dough, which I will be on the lookout for next.

Oh, and hey! By the way, no one paid me to write this! I just thought I’d share my experience. Cheers!

When Design Love Turns to Design Hate.

Meet our powder room. It was the first room we decorated when we moved in almost four years ago.

Wainscoting and a chunky chair rail went up, the walls went black, and in came a new light, a glam mirror and some art we had laying around the house. Continue reading “When Design Love Turns to Design Hate.”

Thrift Store Tour

There is one big consequence of blogging, that I never would in my wildest dreams have imagined. Something that caught me so off guard.

As a grown up, out of college/university, working a steady 9-5 in an office, meeting new people is hard. Really hard. If its hard to meet ANYONE its damn near impossible to meet people with common interests. As a grown woman, I don’t walk up to strangers and ask if they like decorating, thrifting, or woodworking. I certainly don’t ask them if they’d like to be my friend.

Then blogging happened, and I started to chat with readers, and other bloggers. People my age, who were into the same stuff as me. Discussing fabric, power tools and paint colors! Making connections with real people.

Then this happened:

Lucy, Dani, Virginia, Myself & Melissa.  Photo Credit: Virginia @ Fynes Designs
Lucy, Dani, Virginia, Myself & Melissa.
Photo Credit: Virginia @ Fynes Designs
Photo Credit: Virginia @ Fynes Designs
Photo Credit: Virginia @ Fynes Designs

Myself and four other bloggers, traveling around Toronto in Ford Escapes on a whirlwind thrift store tour. We traveled throughout the city hunting for great home decor finds at Value Villages. Not just one store, we’re talking every single store in about a 30km radius.

Photo Credit: Melissa @ The Sweet Escape
Photo Credit: Melissa @ The Sweet Escape

It was SO.MUCH.FUN. Virginia from Fynes Designs, Dani from Lifeovereasy, Lucy from Craftberry Bush and Melissa from The Sweet Escape were a blast. We all had completely unique styles and tastes, and wandered the stores grabbing finds for ourselves, and ones we knew the other gals would like.

I feel bad for the other shoppers. We scoured those Value Villages high and low searching for the best scores in store. I got some amazing stuff. My (unintentional) theme was lighting. I found some fab items! My first nab was this brass lantern with smoked glass. I needed a new light for the guestroom, and knew this could be turned into something cool.

Brass & Smoked Glass Lantern
Brass & Smoked Glass Lantern

Next I spotted a couple of brass lamps. These were also picked for the guestroom. I have visions of wood and metal, with some badass shades.

I love lamp
I love lamp

Next I spotted a small chandelier. I have been on the hunt for some candle lighting for the back deck, and knew this would be perfect converted into a candelabra.

Chandelier hidden on a shelf
Chandelier hidden on a shelf

This mirror jumped out at me from the shelf screaming “take me home!” I loved its shape, only wished it was a bit bigger. Will still make a great accessory in our office or powder room.

The Mirror! Swoon!
The Mirror! Swoon!

Last but not least, I spied a whole collection of Nancy Drew books. I used to read my Mom’s collection when I was a kid and adored them. I nabbed every single book and can’t wait to pour over them.

Checking out with my finds
Checking out with my finds

The other bloggers got some amazing finds as well. It was really cool to see their process, and how they picked things. You would have thought we’d be fighting for the items, but we really went in different directions. I can happily say that there were no cat flights or any arm wrestling for items.

Virginia, Lucy, Melissa & Dani discussing their finds
Virginia, Lucy, Melissa & Dani discussing their finds

With bags and bags filled with finds, we piled into our Ford Escapes. I got to drive the red one the whole day.

Who let me drive?
Who let me drive?

I have to say, I went in with little expectations. The last Ford I was in was a “vintage” bare bones clunker. For small SUV’s I really enjoy driving my mother in laws Honda CRV, but I have to say the Escape impressed me. The model I was driving had a bunch of fancy pants features including a backup camera, this cool blind spot warning, and one heck of a nav/console touch screen.  The only problem I had was trying to operate the rear door. I learned afterwards that it was one of those fancy hands-free foot operated ones, but I just kept trying to lift it manually and it was giving me attitude. Guess I should have read the manual eh?

Our rides. I may have named the red one Suzy.
Our rides. I may have named the red one Suzy.

With all my finds at home, I set to transforming one item from my haul. I will be working the rest of the items into upcoming projects I promise, but I have to start somewhere! I took my brass lantern apart, and set to giving it a refresh for our guest room.

Lantern Disassembled
Lantern Disassembled

I picked up some angle iron and got El Granto to cut me a few pieces to make new sides for the lantern. The smokey glass needed to go (and good thing, as we broke a panel. oops!). El Granto and the dremel made quick work of the angle iron, and I got to priming all the pieces.

El Granto cutting the new sides for the lantern
El Granto cutting the new sides for the lantern
Priming the lantern parts
Priming the lantern parts

We have oil rubbed bronze accent pieces I the guest room, and thought that would be a nice bold color for the lantern. After the primer had dried I used Rustoleum Universal spray paint to give some nice even coverage to the pieces.

Spray painting the light
Spray painting the light

After everything was painted, I assembled it all together, and this is what I ended up with.


Finished Lantern
Finished Lantern

What do you think?

Can you also spy a few of my Nancy Drew books on the nightstand?

Make sure you check out all the other bloggers finds! Thank you so much Virginia for organizing this, and the event sponsors Value Village and Ford. It was amazing to spend a day doing what home bloggers do best, with some badass blogging ladies.  Make sure you check out their posts:

 Virginia @ Fynes Designs

Lucy @ Craftberry Bush

Melissa @ The Sweet Escape

Dani @ LifeOvereasy



3rd Wedding Anniversary

Today El Granto and I are celebrating our third wedding anniversary! I cant believe its been three years, it feels like it was just yesterday.

We have yet to make any books or in fact printed a single wedding photo (much to the chagrin of our family) but I thought I would recap things here for you guys. Check out all these wedding related posts and projects. Continue reading “3rd Wedding Anniversary”

Pumpkin Spice All The Things

We at the Storefront are mantel-less home owners. As such, come fall or winter, we are the only blog on the entire internets to not have a decorated mantel. No really, find me another home/decor blog without a mantle post this week. Never to be left out, we tend to decorate the front porch (with heavy, and/or bolted down items of course.) One extension of our seasonal decorating, is the front entryway coat rack. With it’s small shelf, it is about the closest thing we have to a mantel.

We have a variety of canvases and prints that get trotted out seasonally to grace our front entryway. Feeling a little bored with our fall decor this year, I opted to add a new canvas to the repertoire. Enter my latest “masterpiece”.

Pumpkin spice all the things

Pumpkin Spice All the things

How to:

$3 Dollar Store Artist Canvas

+$2 Dollar Store Adhesive Letters

+2 parts cheeky 😉

Whats on your mantel this season?

Backyard Update

The backyard project is coming to a close, I promise! If I get some decent weather and daylight, I will take some pics of the daybed to share with you guys. As the big stuff is checked off the list, we are now working on all the little stuff. The last 10% that always seems to take up 80% of the project timeline. Here’s what we’ve been up to: Continue reading “Backyard Update”

That Time I Won a Dyson

This past weekend was the Blog Podium blogging conference in Toronto. It was my first blogging conference, and to say it was a whirlwind is a grave understatement. I met so many awesome people, got to put real faces to twitter profile pics, and learn one hell of a lot about blogging.

The conference was a mix of keynote speakers, workshops, sessions and round tables. There were celebrity sightings (Bryan Baeumler at the DRIcore booth, and Scott McGillivray as a speaker). Copious amounts of coffee consumed, so much talking and learning, and then at the end of the event this happened: Continue reading “That Time I Won a Dyson”

The Flip Side of Gentrification

We live in a converted storefront. One that sat empty, without a store for 40+ years. One whose windows were spray painted over, in a neighborhood with an incredibly high crime rate. A bounty of drug deals and prostitutes at the next corner. Hell, that’s what it was like even when we moved into our loft apartment a block north, 10 years ago.

Then gentrification rolled in. People bought up houses at a great rate. The flipping started, the young people moved in, and conversions turned neighborhood warehouses into fancy lofts. Four years ago, we got on the bandwagon and bought into our neighborhood just as the tables were turning. As we started working on our home, the neighborhood continued chugging on. Cafés, restaurants, brunch spots, and huge video game companies moved in. We have hip bars, fantastic food spots, good nightlife, easy subway access, close green space and an authentic neighborhood feel. Not to mention our property values have skyrocketed. It was rocking our socks off.

Then we came home to find for sale signs up on the front of TWO commercial buildings beside our house.

10693665_1550683841822208_697277039_nYep you heard right. In one week, both neighboring buildings to the south of us decided to list. That makes almost 80 feet of prime street frontage up for sale at the same time. Both of which are touting “Development Potential” on the listings. If this was a block or two away, I would probably think “oh that will be good for property values”. But it’s not a few blocks away. It’s in my backyard.

You know our fab ivy wall in the backyard? Well that’s one of the properties for sale. That actual wall. In our backyard. For Sale. “Development Potential”. Uh Oh.

Gentrification isn’t feeling so good when we’re on the other end. When there is a good chance a condo could end up 6″ from your house, ruining your private urban courtyard of a backyard. Our quiet serene escape…

So what do we do? We can’t afford to buy the properties. We’re at the mercy of the new buyers.

We’re hoping a small scale developer buys them. Someone who wants to build some high-end row houses. Or convert the existing buildings into lofts. Artist studios, or a brewery (seriously the building next door would be perfect for a brewery!) What we’re hoping doesn’t happen is a big condo building. Overlooking our yard. A construction pit at our foundation…

So send us your good vibes, and we will keep you posted. Oh and hey, do any of you want to be my neighbor?

Pergola Canopy

I did a whole hell of a lot of sewing last weekend. A marathon of sorts. I was adamant about getting the pergola and daybed finished by the end of the weekend. To accomplish this, I spent 13 hours sewing on Saturday. For realsies. El Granto helped too, measuring, cutting and installing grommets. What do we have to show for our work? Continue reading “Pergola Canopy”