This past weekend was the Blog Podium blogging conference in Toronto. It was my first blogging conference, and to say it was a whirlwind is a grave understatement. I met so many awesome people, got to put real faces to twitter profile pics, and learn one hell of a lot about blogging.
The conference was a mix of keynote speakers, workshops, sessions and round tables. There were celebrity sightings (Bryan Baeumler at the DRIcore booth, and Scott McGillivray as a speaker). Copious amounts of coffee consumed, so much talking and learning, and then at the end of the event this happened:
I won one of the prizes, a brand spankin new Dyson DC78 Animal!
SERIOUSLY. I screamed, jumped up, and ran to the booth to claim my prize. We already own a handheld Dyson, and El Granto is in love with it. It’s the ultimate dust bunny sucker, and makes quick work of our hardwood staircase. When we got home with our new prize, he had the box open and was vacuuming the house within 5 minutes. He then called his Mum to tell her all about it. Yep, I married a keeper.
We feel super lucky to have won, and want to thank Dyson for the awesome prize. A huge huge shout out to Jen at Rambling Renovators for organizing Blog Podium. We had a blast, and can’t wait for next year.
Oh, and we were also super surprised to see our mug on a DRIcore brochure. We’re part of the DRIcorespondant team of bloggers. Super weird, but cool to see your pic in print.
Oh, and we got to meet Bryan again (but note to self, don’t wear baggy shirts to blogging conferences, or else you look huge in pictures with your hero!)
I like what you guys are usually up too. This type of clever work and reporting!
Keep up the superb works guys I’ve incorporated you guys to
NICE ONE! Doggy fur be gone. I need one STAT!
I know eh? Those darn dust bunnies.
This model even comes with a pet grooming attachment! Not that my dog would ever come near a vacuum much less let me touch him with it, but I don’t know how Nan feels about vacuums.