Notice anything new round here?
My hair you say? How great my ass looks in these jeans? Why shucks, you are too kind, but I was talking about the site design.
It’s been a while in the making, but we finally have a responsive site! For those of you visiting on a mobile device or tablet, things are gonna look a whole lot different, and hopefully be a lot easier to use.

So what’s new around here?
The responsive site is the biggy. What that means is that the site automatically responds and changes size dependent on your viewing device. No mobile version. You get the whole site, in an easier to read format. The best part, is that if you’ve got a larger mobile device (I’m looking at you Samsung Galaxy Note) or a tablet, the site will auto size to perfectly fit your device.

When we started the site, our mobile views were less than 10%, but now you guys are almost at 50%! That old site was looking pretty crappy on mobile. I hope its now much easier for you to see and read about our projects.
What else?!
The logo is updated. Bye bye water tower (we will miss you) and in comes a more streamlined modern logo.
Bye black & yellow design, hello larger more readable font, dark text on a light background.
Gone are small post thumbnails, and in are nice large ones, as well as a longer intro blurb before the “read more”. The post preview also gives you a bit more info on the post. Who wrote it, when it was written, the categories and tags etc.
Comments are larger and nested, with a larger photo, and we’ve streamlined the navigation. There’s a new sidebar full of helpful things. Links to social media, your favorite posts, categories and our Instagram feed. We have a few more things rolling out shortly (like a new project gallery & email signup) but we couldn’t wait to share the new site with you.
What do you think of the new site design? Would love to hear from mobile readers on how the new site looks on your phone! Anything else you would like to see on the site?
Woo HOO! First comment on the new site! 🙂 Looks fab guys. Really loving the new colours & the mobile version is very sleek!