Way way back on January 1, 2013 I shared a little list of my 2013 DIY Goals. Did we complete them all, or did we fail miserably? Here’s a little recap of what was on my list, and how we did:
Tag: 2013
2013 DIY Goals
I am not a new years resolution kinda person. I know I will never stick to a diet, or exercise more. I will most likely fail on any person goals in about the first month. However, the house goals are much more attainable. Why is that? Perhaps cause improving the house is fun, whereas jogging is not. So in 2013 will I be giving up sugar? Not bloody likely, but we will hopefully check off a few of these projects this year. So here’s the list!
2013 DIY Goals
The Coffee Bar – Installing a set of 12″ deep cabinets & some open storage onto the big wall in the dining room. It will be used as a coffee bar/buffet and hold a lot of our less used dinnerware and serving dishes as well as all our coffee related paraphernalia. (i.e. the espresso machine, milk frother, drip coffee maker, grinder, kettle, bodum etc. ) And yes, each of those items gets used SEVERAL times a week. We like our coffee, mmkay.

DIY’n new countertops for the kitchen & (hopefully completed) coffee bar – This one hinges on us getting a new sink first, then taking on this big project. I will be ever so happy to cross this one off the list, especially after my laminate countertops started de-laminating when I used the self clean cycle on my oven…eep.

Reno the laundry room – This is a big project, that will cost us a bit of $. Hopefully we can fit it into the budget this year, as it would be sooo nice not to do laundry in such a damp dreary space. The bonus is that I will have a nice workshop in there as well! We have to lay down a dricore subfloor, flooring, walls, storage and a ton of other things. Wish me luck on this one…
Finishing the upstairs hallway – This one seems fairly straight forward, so hopefully we can check it off our list soon!

Building a patio for the backyard & some landscaping – Its a small space, but this project will require a load of muscles. Anyone wanna come shovel? I pay in beer and pizza…

Re-configuring our living space, and finally purchasing/building some grown up furniture for the livingroom – A smaller project, but it will involve some carpentry, some techy things, and hopefully a new sofa purchase.
So what are your house goals for 2013? Got any big DIY or BIY (Buy it yourself) projects on the go?