We have a new big DIY project in the works. One that we’ve had cooking for about five months. I think it’s going to be our best project yet.
Yep. That’s what you think it is!
As you can imagine, El Granto & I are over the moon with excitement, while being incredibly and utterly terrified.
Does this mean we have to become grown ups? Because I don’t think I’m ready. I still laugh at fart jokes, swear like a trucker, am terrible with washing my dishes, and on at least one night a week eat a diner that consists of the random snack items in the refrigerator.
We have a few more months before we really have to grow up. Today marks 20 weeks of pregnancy (why do they calculate everything regarding babies in months? It’s obnoxious.) The baby is due on July 4th. I feel awesome, and the baby is doing great. Only complaint is that I feel like an old dog with hip dysplasia. Apparently tall(ish) girl + baby makes for some pretty sore hips.
El Grant on the other hand is a little overwhelmed with the plethora of adorable baby clothing options, and has been found squirreling away secret purchases of adorable onesies and hipster baby accessories.
Now, for answers to all your burning questions.
- No, we will not be selling the Storefront and moving to the suburbs. We love our house and neighbourhood, and intend to raise our kid in downtown Toronto.
- We bought a car. A for real vehicle with doors and a roof. It is however, NOT a minivan. We opted for the Mazda CX-5, which is a midsize crossover SUV thing thats great on gas, and we can still park it in the city.
- The motorcycle will not be sold. Just because El Granto will soon be a parent, doesn’t mean he has to give up the things he loves. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found a sidecar in the garage with room for the whole family.
- I am not giving up on my career. In fact, my work is busy as can be, and as such, we have decided I will take a few months off when the baby comes, then El Granto will take the bulk of the parental leave while I head back to work. He is stoked, and I am relieved that I don’t have to give up on my career right when it is getting interesting.
- We will be turning our office into the nursery. The guest room is staying as is (with the new addition of some of our office furniture) to cope with the impending onslaught of Mother and Mother-in-law visits.
We will have many more a post on our plans for the nursery coming your way soon.
We have already started work on the nursery and planning for our new addition. More to come!
Oh, great news! Congrats!
HEY! I said congrats on Instagram but wanted to send a comment – the biggest DIY project of ever! I am sure it will be amazing and be the coolest little Junction baby ever 🙂
Congrats! Being that I have no children I really can’t give any “advice” but sounds like you’re doing right! Looking forward to the nursery post. Girl or boy?
LOTS of my friends have stayed in the city with kids. Toronto is a GREAT place to raise children. And there is nothing wrong with less space–better for the environment, etc. I live with three boys and a husband (boy #4?) in 1200 ft2, and it’s just fine. My two oldest even share a room, and we have no desire to change that. And we drive a Vibe (though it’s tight with three car seats, I won’t lie).
Love all of this! Woo hoo – congrats again you guys. We have the same vehicle and it’s been awesome with baby. We’ve strapped the canoe on top and still have room for gear in the trunk. Enjoy! It’s just a four person car really if you have three babies – I just discovered this but whatever it’s fine. Enjoy your pregnancy!!
Oh and I still eat cheese and crackers some nights and just give E some snacks too lol no need to officially grow up lol
My niece told my husband and me that she hoped we would still be fun and silly after we became parents, and we’re trying to remember that and not take everything too seriously.
I also had horrible hip pain with my recent, otherwise perfect pregnancy. I wish I had a helpful fix for you, but I could not do anything to make it better. Good luck! It will go away after delivery!
I am so happy for you guys! I swear everyone is having babies this July…Love was in the air 4-5 months ago!! :). Good luck on your new adventure!
Congrats! Fwiw, I have been a parent for nearly 3 years and still have to force myself to do the dishes daily, still eat snacks for meals (had Oreos and a banana for lunch), curse regularly (in front of my child) and still don’t own a car. Just fake it until you make it…