Last week I had an especially bad week. I went in for my second round of iron infusions, and this session was not kind to me. I came home with a fever and my whole body felt like it had been run over by a truck. I took a few days off and got some rest, and finally this week things are starting to get better.

I think my first round of iron is starting to kick in and I am really starting to feel a little more energized. My body is allowing me to move, I even walked the dog for a short 3km the other day and felt great (that hasn’t happened in 6+ months.) It’s not the 20km walks we were doing last year, but it’s a start.

I am however sick of this weather and just want this terrible winter to be over. I want spring. I want tulips sprouting out of the ground, and my ivy growning leaves. I want to garden, and work outside. Bbq, and have a coffee on our master deck.
I have spent the last few days day dreaming of my projects for the backyard (and all the energy I’m going to have to do them!)
This year, I want to install a brick patio & walkway, sod, landscape, paint the back of the house, build some furniture, garden, and have a bucketload of backayard parties.

Whats on your spring wish list?