Introducing Pudding

Figgy Pudding

This my friends is Pudding.

Figgy Pudding
Pudding hanging out on the deck

Pudding is our new fig tree.  (get it, like “figgy pudding”). Does anyone else out there name inanimate objects such as tools or plants? Or am I just cray cray? (don’t answer that).

For reference some of our other plant names are: “Violet Beauregard” – our African violet, “Sven” – our strange little grassy plant from Ikea, and our late aloe plant was named (said only in a British accent) “Allo!”.

Yep, is official, I’ve lost it.

Fig Tree

My mental health aside, we have a fig tree! Isn’t that awesome?! I have always wanted to have fruit trees. My Grandmother had a raspberry bramble that I thought was the best thing every when I was a kid.

I hope to add a lemon & lime tree to out “fruit family” this year as well.

Have you ever grown a fig tree? How many seasons before it yielded fruit?

photo 4
If we forget to do laundry we can wear pudding’s giant leaves Adam & Eve style

Author: Kristen

Kristen & her husband El Granto & their Vizsla Odin live in a converted Storefront in downtown Toronto.

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