In 25 days from now I will be boarding a plane to Copenhagen.
Three weeks ago, out of the blue on a miserable cold Wednesday afternoon I got an email from my Mother that simply said “Do you want to go to Denmark in April?!” DUH. Who doesn’t want to go to Denmark?!

In a whirlwind 24 hours we ended with a two week trip planned to Denmark, and we leave in just over three weeks. It’s going to be an amazing Mother Daughter trip, visiting family and experiencing our history, eating a heck of a lot of food and consuming our weight in schnapps. Not to mention the DANISH DESIGN. I love love love me some Scandinavian design. White, wood, texture. Om nom nom. I cant wait.
We also get to celebrate with a big birthday party for my Mom’s cousin as well as see family that I haven’t seen since I was a kid. Then we’ve got almost two weeks to explore. Our home base for the first part of our trip will be in Nyhavn (seen in the pic above). We are leaving the rest of our trip fairly open, and will be taking it day by day without planning much in the way of an itinerary. We do have plans for a day trip to Sweden and I really want to do a day out at Legoland. (It was my favorite when I traveled to Denmark as a kid!)
We wont be as lucky as Emma to get a table at Noma, but hope to immerse ourselves into Danish food as much as we can. Fingers crossed I can find gluten free alternatives that will let me experience smørrebrød. I wont get to taste Danish beer, but I will get to have cider and I cant wait for fish and potatoes and pork!
Do you have any must see’s for Denmark? What can I not miss in Copenhagen?