Have you checked out Craft Fail yet? It’s great, it chronicles peoples adventures epic screw-up’s in crafting/DIYing/cooking things they found on internet tutorials.
As you may know by now, I often get an idea in my head and insist on trying it out. (Like when I cut a hole in the wall.) Sometimes it turns out to be an awesomsauce idea and sometimes not so much…
So this weekend I wanted some bedside table lamps for the Guest Room, but I couldn’t find what I wanted for the price I wanted. So I started looking around the house for stuff to make lamps with. We have two of these $9.99 Ikea Grono table lamps just sitting around collecting dust. It’s like the sad Ikea lamp commercial all over again…

I also happened to have two of these pretty white vases.
I thought it would be a brilliant idea to make lamps out of my vases using the lamp hardware from my Grono’s. All I needed to do was cut a hole in the bottom of the vases…
Turns out, glass drill bits are EXPENSIVE. And both El Grant & I were convinced I would bust the vases all to hell while trying to drill holes in them. So Instead I thought of all the hipster ahhem cute painted mason jars out there, and decided I should just PAINT the inside of my Ikea Grono lamps with white paint instead.
So I broke out my white chalk paint and gave it two coats. It looked.like.crap. It was all uneven and streaky. I then thought I maybe should have poured the paint into the lamp instead of painting it. So I taped off the bottom hole, poured some chalk paint inside, swirled it around, then tipped it upside down and let it dry.
THIS is what I found the next day.

Today’s lesson: Sometimes you FAIL HARD.
I would like to purchase the ikea grono lamp, even just the glass part if you still have them.
Hi David, we still have one lamp left (I recycled the paint disaster, but had a second lying around). Send me an email at kristen@storefrontlife.com if you’d like it.
Big fails are just evidence that you are thinking creatively!
Chris: both useful ideas! Although I don’t think I’ll be trying this craft again. I think one epic fail is enough for me this week! I might try doing something I know will work to build my confidence back up 😉
Oh no!! Lol…awesome fail tho!
I will buy this fine piece of workmanship for 3 doll hairs!
I know etching cream is not cheap, but I know your hubby has used it. maybe that would help the paint stick? Or a special glass primer (if that exists?).