The Art of the Weekend

I love living in Toronto for about 10 months of the year. I love spring, summer, fall and early winter all the way through New Years. The problem comes about mid January. When I am wearing two pairs of socks and long johns standing at the bus stop with my hands full of groceries, hopping up and down trying to stay warm while cursing my beloved city.  I hate the end of January, all of February and most of March. I have had enough of the cold, the leaf-less trees, the shoveling, the wind, and the sun going down before I even leave work. I want to relocate to a warmer climate and say screw you to Toronto.

Then weekends like the one that just past happen, and I remember why I love this city; I love the people in it. So what did I do last weekend? Nothing spectacular, earth shattering or magnificent, I simply enjoyed the company of good friends. We had beverages, and laughs, and great food, cigars, oysters and wine. We even had a late night dance party. I had a wonderful walk in the sunshine with my husband and dog, I slept in and had mad cuddle fest with my puppy, I had not one but two delicious brunches (brunch is my favorite thing on earth!) In the midst of all that, I even managed to get some inspiration to do something around the house, and knocked two projects off the list.


So this my friends is my magnificent brilliant spectacular advice on How to Weekend:


The Perfect Weekend


*It’s math, so it must be true. You cant argue with math (or science). Except for Scientology, they just put science in the title, that does not make it true or scientific, or worthy of a couch jump fest for that matter. BUT MATH is awesome and right, and so am I. So apply my equation for an awesome weekend, no matter how horrible it is outside.