I really want to get started on our DIY kitchen concrete counters (which by the way, I’ve been doing a ton of research on, and I think I found the most awesome product ever. More on that soon.) However, before we can even think of making the new countertops, we need to find a new sink.
This is the sink we own:

I hate this sink. Yes, I know hate is a strong word, but this sink deserves it. I have a itty bitty kitchen, and this sink takes up a large amount of real estate for being such a tiny sink. The 1 1/2 bowl thing is useless. The small sink on the left is shallow and used solely for rinsing vegetables. The larger (and I say larger in relative terms) sink is okay, but still not large enough to wash a large pan or fill a stock pot.
The drainer, while useful for draining wet dishes, it always has a wet dish hanging out on it, cause why would you dry the dish and put it away if you could just leave it? It also takes up a lot of space on the counter.
To give perspective, here is our entire kitchen.

So when the new counters get made, that sink is out. It’s headed to Craigslist, hopefully to find a new home where its owners actually love it. (Oh and don’t even get me started on that backsplash, it will be outta here not long after the sink & the counters.)
Time to shop for a new sink. We have an Ikea 24″ sink cabinet, which is small. A double bowl is really out of the question. For those of you aghast at that decision, read Carol Reed’s post about single vs double sinks. While you’re at it, read her post on the advantages to Ikea kitchens.
Having such a small Ikea sink cabinet means buying an Ikea sink made to fit into that cabinet would be the easiest choice. I have looked at all the big box stores, all the special order sinks online, but realistically I haven’t found anything that can beat my Ikea options. Have you priced out a farmhouse sink lately?! I love you Kohler, but you are not in my budget.
So Ikea it is.
I have narrowed it down to two sinks.
OPTION A.) Shiny McSinkerson

Modern looking Stainless sink. Simple design, nice price tag. Would like it better if it was undermount, but drop in isn’t that bad. (I have never owned an undermount sink, so I am used to the crumbs.) It also has the look of a square edge sink, but without the actual square edges, which from reading reviews online I’ve heard are the pits.
OPTION B.) Goin to the Farm

I love the look of a farmhouse sink mixed with a more contemporary and/or industrial looking kitchen. I love the apron front, and the single hole means we can re-use our current faucet until we can save up for a new one. It’s also made to fit our current sink cabinet, so install will be pretty easy. Oh, and did I mention the price? $249! Have you priced out a farmhouse sink lately? This ones gonna be hard to beat.
Shiny McSinkerson vs. Goin to the Farm
Whats your vote? El Granto loves the farmhouse sink all the way. I am still a bit torn. Not to mention, the farmhouse is sold out in every Ikea close to us, so getting it will mean a rental car trip to Ikea Burlington.
Do you have any experience with either of these sinks? I hear glasses/dishes can break really easily in the Farmhouse sink, and that it can also get scratches. Is it worth it?
The sink is in the wrong spot in the kitchen, the bench next to the stove should be for prep, not clean up. I’d move the sink over next to the dishwasher.
My parents had a white sink for a while, and despite being pedantically clean types, it always managed to look just a little grotty because even the tinest speck of coffee grindings or tea leaves would stand right out.
Shiny one, under a stone benchtop will make it look a bit roomier, white one is nice but chunky. You could also get one of those island benches from Ikea on wheels for a bit more bench space too.
If you’re going old house look: farmhouse all the way! IMHO, “Shiney” would be too slick with your s/s appliances.
That’s a good point with all the stainless appliances! I think farmhouse is decidedly in the lead.
I have the Ikea sink and I LOVE it. I had originally purchased a much pricier one but it was a smidge to large. I cant imagine a better sink design. Its got a large space at the back for a large bottle of soap and looks expensive. I do however always keep a rubber mat “thingy” on the bottom to prevent scratches.
i vote for the farmhouse. i have the double farmers in my HUGE kitchen and love it. it’s deep, and large enough for my biggest pots and pans. if i had a small kitchen, i’d definitely go with the single. just don’t forget to notch your counters for the sink when you build your forms.
Hey Eric, thanks for the vote for the farmhouse! I think we’re pretty sold on it. Good point about the notches, I was looking at the assembly instructions online. However Ikea’s directions say to notch it 4/5″. Uhhh WHAT?! What on earth is 4/5″?!! HAHA! They also gave the metric dimensions of 18mm, but I thought their attempt at imperial was hysterical.
Yeah, that threw me for a loop. I think I cut just a bit more than 7/8ths of an inch from my butcher block. Whatever I cut, it worked as my sink is nice and flush.
I vote Shiney
Farmhouse sink! Would look great in your kitchen against the countertops 🙂
One more vote for the farmhouse sink! Looks like its currently winning the vote.
Will the countertops be dark? Then farmhouse all the way. If they are light, I’m a little torn as well. Not that I think you can go wrong with either though.
The countertops are going to be a medium to dark grey, so I do think the farmhouse sink will really pop with the contrast!
I have the farmhouse sink, as you know. It does scratch (you can buy a liner to go in it, I did and hated it as it looked yucky)but so does a metal one, you can easily break things in it so just be careful or maybe if you break lots of things you can buy more new stuff!. The farmhouse sink looks lovely and clean in the kitchen as opposed to Shiny McSinkerson who becomes dull over the years.
I LOVE my sink….go for the farmhouse every time!
Karen, the point about the stainless going dull is something I hadn’t thought of! I think you have me leaning towards farmhouse!
Shiny one =D
Ohhhh, we’ve got a point for Mr. Shiney! (he is pretty sexy right?!)